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M10U1 Don't talk in the library教学设计

时间:2023-08-03 23:52:02
M10U1 Don't talk in the library教学设计(全文共294字)

M10U1 Don't talk in the library教学设计


Teaching aims:

1.manage the new words and the important phrases: library, come here, stand in line, hurry, close,library rules, be quiet

2.manage the useful sentence:

Please stand in line!

Dont talk in the library!

Its twenty to five.

3. Know something about the library rules.

Teaching key points and the difficult points:

1. The new words and important phrases.

2. The imperative sentence(祈使句)

3. The expression of time.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 warming up

1. Riddle

Its a place. There are many books in it. You can read books in it and borrow books from it. But you cant buy books from it. Where is it?( library)

2. Review the word library

3. Lead in the tittle of the new lesson Dont talk in the library

Step 2 presentation

1. Play the video to look and listen part1.

2. Read after the teacher.

3. New words learning.

Line: show pictures of line and let the students manage the meaning and pronunciation of line.

Game1 Come here:come here, come to...

Divide the students into two groups and the teacher chooses some volunteers to play games. The teacher or the students say please come here, come to ...the volunteers run to the destination, the one who runs faster wins.

Game 2 one two three, stand in line.

Let some students hand some papers with letters on them, and the other students say one two three, stand in line, T-E-A--teathe students with paper in hands have to stand in line to make new words.

TEAM1 tea ate eat

TEAM2 seat eats east

TEAM3 team meat mate

4. The students read part 1 together and write the Chinese meaning of part 1.

Step 3 Practice

1. play the video of part2 and let the students think about the following questions:

Where are Daming and Simon going, to school or to the library?

What time is it now?

Who talked in the library? Can they talk in the library?

2. The students read after the teacher.

3. To learn the new phrases and useful sentences

Activity 1 Guess where we are going.

--Where are we going?

--(We are going) to the (zoo park hospital school library)

Activity 2 Review : Hurry, come on

Activity 3 Tell the closing time of the different places

Task : Match the time with different places.

The teacher tells the closing times of different places , the students have to match the places with the right time.

1. zoo a. 6:00pm.

2. Park b. 8:00pm.

3. School c. 5:00pm.

4. Library d.9:00pm

After that, the students summarize with the sentence structure: ____closes at ____.

Activity 4 what time is it?

l Explain the expression of the time in English

l Let the students write the time with number according to the English expression

l Try to use English to write the time

5. Role play

The students read the dialogue in picture 1 and read the dialogue in roles.

Step 4 Production

1. The students read the dialogue of picture 2 after the teacher.

2. Show pictures of library rules. Let the students talk about what they can do and cant do in the library.

3. Activity: Guess what we cant in the library.

Ask some volunteers come to the front to do actions and other students tell what we cant do in the library with the sentence structure Dont ___in the library.

2 Dont ___(eat) in the library.

2 Dont ___(run) in the library.

2 Dont ___(drink) in the library.

2 Dont ___(talk) in the library.

4. The teacher summarize that we cant do many things in the library, we should be quiet not only in the library but also in other public places such as the hospital, the school and the meeting room. Its polite to be quiet.

5. Practice the pronunciation of be quietand keep quiet

6. The students read the dialogues in picture 1 and picture2 together.

7. Explain librarianand role play the dialogue in groups.

Step 5 Summary and homework

1. Summarize the key phrases and sentences.

2. Do the exercise.

Step 6 Blackboard design

M10U1 Don't talk in the library

Please stand in line! Dont talk in the library!

Step7Teaching reflection

《M10U1 Don't talk in the library教学设计(全文共294字).doc》
